40min/85€ - 1h/95€ - 80min/180€
Vitality Of The Glaciers

Mini version: 40min/85€

Express version: 1h/95€

Complete version: 80min/180€

This treatment revitalizes the skin by stimulating cell oxygenation and dissolving any sign of fatigue. The skin revels in newfound energy and vigor, while the complexion appears fresh and radiant.

Throughout the Pennine and Grison Alps, and extending as far as the Bernese Oberland, Switzerland boasts more than 1,400 glaciers, some of which are listed as UNESCO World Heritage sites. For hiking enthusiasts, whether amateurs or professionals, an excursion to these frozen mountains is just the trick for a fresh, rosy, oxygen-rich complexion. The Vitality of the Glaciers treatment takes its inspiration from this vision of revitalized skin.

The Vitality of the Glaciers treatment is a precise massage focused on the circulatory system, and particularly the arterial network. It is a stimulating massage intended to supply the complexion with oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood. The main movements include vigorous kneading, deep pressure, pinch-and-lift techniques, and deep smoothing motions. Each gesture is performed with millimetric precision thanks to the VITAL BOOST concentrate. This ultra-potent massage serum propels its mixture of oxygenating nasturtium flower and energizing ginseng deep into the skin.

In the 80min version, to ensure long-lasting results, the iconic REGENERATING MASK TREATMENT collagen veil releases its magical essence while the beautician massages the shoulders with supremely relaxing strokes.

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